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Pupil Premium Funding
The Pupil Premium allocation is an additional £1,035 payment made to a school, that is attached to each of those pupils who receive free school meals under the Ever6 measure. Pupil Premium is planned for at the start of each academic year and reported on at the end of the academic year.
Guidance states that Pupil Premium funding should be used for “raising the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and closing the gap with their peers.”. The school saw a significant fall in numbers receiving PP from a high of 62% in 2016 identified as the impact of universal free school meals in KS1 creating a dip in the proportion of parents claiming FSM, despite being eligible. Growth year on year in the numbers eligible has seen the proportions return to broadly similar levels as 2016 (60%) by 2023/24. High pupil numbers in the school have led to a further growth in funding received. See the PP evaluation documents on the Additioinal Funding page for details on how money received was allocated and spent in previous years.
In 2023/24, 58% of pupils in the school received Pupil Premium, (65 pupils) which equals £67,275 in total.
At Woodlane High School, pupils who receive Pupil Premium (PP) can face a wide range of difficulties. These barriers to learning are not typical of every pupil who receives the payment, and are also not limited to those pupils who receive PP. A pupil who receives PP may experience:
- Less financial support within the home.
- Less access to basic needs.
- Less support for school work/emotional support.
- Less opportunities for independence.
These barriers could affect the progress of a pupil who attends Woodlane High School in significant ways, including:
- Low aspirations.
- Low engagement in school life.
- Low prior attainment.
- Slower progress.
- Increased behaviour difficulties.
- Low attendance and punctuality.
- Low reading/writing/numeracy ages.
- Increased difficulty accessing the curriculum.
Any activities funded by Pupil Premium must align with the ‘menu of approaches’ which has been developed to help schools to use grants effectively, from the start of the 2022 to 2023 academic year.
NB: The information above is based on DfE documentation on the use of Pupil Premium: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/pupil-premium/pupil-premium
Review the full report, (download from the previous page) for the planning for this financial year, the specific spend and impact of this additional funding.
For further information please visit the DfE website by clicking here or watch our presentation on Pupil Premium funding at Woodlane High School below.