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Strategies to support 1:1 SEND
This course will provide strategies to help assist pupils who require 1:1 support in and outside the classroom. This course looks at a variety of different types of interventions in order to support pupils’ learning and social development. Practitioners will be exploring a range of strategies to support pupils with SEND including:
- Emotional support (including the development of friendships)
- Developing a variety of differentiated resources
- Engaging staff and parents
- Monitoring and evidencing progress
- Setting up support systems
Practitioners will receive examples of good practice in order for strategies to be easily introduced into your own setting.
Please contact us to discuss the following further:
- Date
- Cost
- Location
- Timings (3 hours)
- Target Audience (Teachers, SENDCOs, learning support staff)
To Book:
- Email - admin@woodlane.lbhf.sch.uk
- Website - www.woodlane.lbhf.sch.uk
- Telephone - 0208 743 5668