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Travel Training
Woodlane has an in-school Travel Trainer. The Travel Trainer currently works on a one to one basis with pupils referred by the school.
Please contact traveltraining@woodlane.lbhf.sch.uk if you would like additional information or wish to request your pupil receives a referral.
The Process:
If a pupil is ready (and they express a desire to begin), consent will be requested from parents. The travel trainer will conduct a thorough risk assessment on the proposed route and find out as much information about the pupil's needs as possible. Parents/carers will be consulted the whole way through this stage.
Each pupil will have a personalised travel plan created which will then be agreed and signed by parents/carers. Signing this plan agrees for the training to begin. A daily programme will start, with pupils travelling to and from school with the trainer until they have acquired the necessary skills to do this independently. The programme timeframe will vary based on the pupil's ability, and will only end when all skills required for independent travel have been seen multiple times and alternative scenarios or "what ifs" explored.
At the end of the training, the pupil will be signed off. This will be an agreement between the school, the trainer, the parent/carer and the pupil to confirm that they have developed the skills and awareness to be responsible, independent travellers.
Remember: Travel Training only trains the pupil to travel on the one detailed route within their travel plan. It is not designed to affect an application for future support.
Please download pupil handbooks and social story (below) to discuss at home.