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Occupational Therapy

The Educational Occupational Therapist assesses pupils referred within the school environment and addresses needs such as gross and fine motor difficulties, sensory processing difficulties, handwriting, access to the curriculum, personal care, posture and tone. Educational Occupational Therapists provide both group and individual sessions where appropriate (including assessment, intervention and programs for school use) as well as providing training and handover to school staff. 


Our Universal Provision

Universal OT support is available to all pupils delivered by the teaching/TA team through quality first teaching in the classroom via advice from the therapists.

The items below will vary based on EHCP specification and are used as an example only.

  • Whole-school, universal approaches include training and resources that support all pupils, for example this may include:
  • Good seating
  • Wellbeing
  • Handwriting skills
  • Break time inclusion
  • Sensory friendly classrooms
  • Development of fundamental movement skills etc. 
  • New staff introduction to OT model of support, including OT role in setting. This will include training in use of the approaches above. 
  • Curriculum differentiation advice and modification from the OT.
  • Adapt extra curriculum activities to meet the needs of children/young people with OT needs e.g. lunch clubs.
  • Drop-in sessions for parents/school staff for generic advice on OT.
  • Training to parents/school staff/other professionals on understanding OT and universal strategies to support children/young people.
  • Support in development phase of training/development plans.
  • Supporting other services to adapt resources/information for pupils with OT needs etc.


Our Targeted Provision

Lower-targeted interventions are established with the support of the OT/specialist teacher through training/modelling but thereafter delivered independently by the teaching team.

Upper-targeted interventions require oversight from the OT/specialist teacher, although the level of direct involvement will vary. The packages are delivered independently by members of the teaching team in between the OT/specialist teacher consultations.

The items below will vary based on EHCP specification and are used as an example only.

  • Direct support where specified. 
  • Targeted support by teacher/TAs where specified.
  • Specialist teacher support for curriculum differentiation to meet pupil’s OT needs within the classroom setting.
  • Jointly identified targets with the teaching team relating to programmes of intervention linked with pupils’ EHCP outcomes. 
  • Interventions are often delivered in partnership with other members of the school team.
  • OT-led staff training for example:
  • Motor skill development.
  • Sensory regulation
  • Anxiety management approaches.
  • Helping staff to understand and support the participation, wellbeing and development of individuals and groups of students with identified needs etc. 
  • Programmes developed and overseen by an occupational therapist but delivered by others. This may include:
  • Schoolbased handwriting programme.
  • Sensory circuits.
  • Motor skills group etc.
  • Advice to help school staff adapt activities, equipment and environments to help individuals and groups take part and achieve in the classroom, on the playground, in PE etc. 


Our Specialist Provision

The specificity of the intervention used, or the rate of change anticipated needs an OT to be closely involved in order to monitor and adapt appropriately.  Specialist interventions should always involve a member of the teaching team who can ensure that the intervention is embedded into the child/young person’s wider experience.  

The items below will vary based on EHCP specification and are used as an example only.

  • Direct intervention where specified to address a particular need.
  • Specialist assessment and intervention services. 
  • Specialist interventions may include:
  • Rehabilitation activity and advice.
  • Moving and handling activity and advice.
  • Specialist equipment and adaptations.
  • Specialist seating and postural management. 
  • Social activity and support etc.
  • Specialist training and advice for staff.
  • Specialist adaptations to the curriculum and resources etc.    


For further information please contact Brigid Simmons.