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Speech & Language Therapy
There are currently two speech and language therapists working at Woodlane. The Speech and language therapist (SALT) may work with pupils individually, in small groups or as part of a whole class, providing input around language, general communication and social skills. The SALT also works together with teaching staff to provide advice, strategies and resources to support communication needs in the classroom.
A number of teaching assistants at Woodlane have been trained in Elkan a speech and language therapy programme to support 11-16 year olds in school.
The majority of the staff at Woodlane have been trained in the use of Makaton.
Our Universal Provision
Universal SLCN support is available to all pupils delivered by the teaching/TA team through quality first teaching in the classroom via advice from the therapists.
The items below will vary based on EHCP specification and are used as an example only.
- A ‘Communication Friendly Environment’, for example:
- Visual support systems around school and in class
- Staff communication
- Adult/pupil interaction including Makaton
- Classroom environment etc.
- Pupil-centred reviews including pupil communication/voice using visual supports/communication systems, for example Talking Mats etc.
- Staff training/learning workshops provided by SLT service with the support of the school leadership team.
- New staff introduction to SLCN model of support, including SALT role in setting. This will include training in use of symbol supported software, for example Communicate in Print etc.
- Curriculum differentiation advice and modification from the SALT, for example:
- Supporting the use of interventions at a whole class/school level
- Zones of Regulation, Shape Coding, WordAware
- Supporting the use of Blanks Levels of Questions to structure questioning in relation to classroom learning and key texts
- Social communication skills practise etc.
- Adapt extra curriculum activities to meet the needs of children/young people with SLCN i.e. lunch clubs.
- Drop-in sessions for parents/school staff for generic advice on SLCN.
- Training to parents/school staff/other professionals on understanding SLCN and universal strategies to support children/young people.
- Support in development phase of training/development plans.
- Supporting other services to adapt resources/information to facilitate functional communication skills and independence for pupils with SLCN e.g. travel training etc.
Our Targeted Provision
Lower-targeted interventions are established with the support of a SALT/specialist teacher through training/modelling but thereafter delivered independently by the teaching team.
Upper-targeted interventions require oversight from a SALT/specialist teacher, although level of direct involvement will vary. The packages are delivered independently by members of the teaching team in between SALT/specialist teacher consultations.
The items below will vary based on EHCP specification and are used as an example only.
- Direct support where specified.
- Targeted support by teacher/TAs where specified.
- Specialist teacher support for curriculum differentiation to meet the pupil’s SLCN within the classroom setting.
- Jointly identified targets with the teaching team relating to the above programmes of intervention linked with pupil’s EHCP outcomes, jointly reviewed mid-way.
Lower Targeted
- AAC (troubleshooting and updating).
- Attention Autism – Levels 1 and 2.
- Barrier Games.
- Language for Thinking, adapted as appropriate.
- Vocabulary Groups e.g., WordAware.
- Narrative - Understanding sentence components/wh questions.
- Narrative – Create a narrative and adding descriptive language.
- Making inferences from pictures and/or text.
- Lego Therapy (group / role/ social focus).
- Use of language skills and strategies for Behaviour and Emotions.
- Social Thinking, adapted as appropriate.
- Comic Strip Conversations.
- Study Skills.
- Social Story Creation.
- Social Groups.
- Zones of Regulation/Level Up etc. (language and communication aspect).
- Self-help skills. ‘Saying when you don’t understand’.
- Transition preparation groups (e.g. interview skills, transition to college, work experience).
- Communication Passport/One Page profile creation.
- Once the intervention is modelled by a member of the SLT team in an individual, group or whole class session then any of the above SLCN programmes will be delivered in lessons/functional learning activities by the teaching team.
- Jointly identified targets with the teaching team relating to one of the above programmes if linked with a pupil’s EHCP outcome etc.
Upper Targeted
- AAC (modelling, updates and personalisation).
- Intensive Interaction (Nurture classes).
- Attention Autism – Levels 3 and 4.
- Shape Coding (when CYP’s programme is established/staff are competent to run) * Shape Coding - a visual system for sentence structure and gramma.
- Lego Therapy (social and additional linguistic focus for individual pupil).
- Visualising and Verbalising.
- Adapting lower targeted intervention packages when implemented by the teaching team regularly and the pupil does not appear to make expected progress
- Communication Passport/One Page profile creation (where complex/specific SLT needs identified)
- DLD and Me etc.
Our Specialist Provision
The specificity of the intervention used, or the rate of change anticipated needs a SALT/OT to be closely involved in order to monitor and adapt appropriately. Specialist interventions should always involve a member of the teaching team who can ensure that the intervention is embedded into the child/young person’s wider experience (including parents in AAC and speech/dysfluency interventions).
The items below will vary based on EHCP specification and are used as an example only.
- Direct support where specified.
- Specialist support by teacher/TAs were specified.
- Specialist assessment and intervention services for high tech augmentative and alternative communication systems (AAC) and managing dysphagia within education settings (managed via CLCH SLT services).
- AAC (low and high technology, set up and review).
- Shape coding * (establishing, personalising and modelling for staff).
- Articulation and phonology programmes.
- Core vocabulary approach.
- Training on a specific child/young person profile.
- Dysphagia (relevant to current commissioning arrangements and under supervision from CLCH Dysphagia Outreach Team).
- Dysfluency (stammering)- direct modification and goal setting.
- Makaton (relevant to individual’s personal need e.g., personalised vocabulary) etc.
If you would like to discuss the needs of your child further please contact Brigid Simmons or email annacarey@nhs.net.