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Governor Details
Please see the bottom of the table for a key to the terms used.
Role (area) |
Comm. |
Name |
Date Appoi. |
Term |
Appoin. By |
Chair of Governors and LA Governor(EoLM)(SaCP) |
FP |
Alex Greaves |
Nov. 2021 |
4 Years |
Gov. |
Headteacher |
N/A |
Claire Maynard |
Sep. 2015 |
N/A |
N/A |
Staff Governor |
Jenny Jermain |
July 2021 |
4 Years |
Staff |
Staff Governor |
Amanda Smith |
July 2021 |
4 Years |
Staff |
Deputy Head |
N/A |
Tim Heapy |
Mar. 2017 |
N/A |
N/A |
Co-opted Governor(QoTLA)(H&S/P) |
RAP - Chair/FP
Chika Omoruyi |
Nov. 2018 |
4 Years |
Gov. |
Deputy Headteacher KS3 |
N/A |
Rob Morgan |
Mar. 2017 |
N/A |
N/A |
Parent GovernorSaCP |
FP |
Veronique Duporte |
Dec. 2021 |
4 Years |
Parents |
Parent Governor |
Orla Rutten |
May 2022 |
4 Years |
Parents |
Parent Governor |
FP |
Martin Aitchison |
March 2023 |
4 Years |
Parents |
Clerk |
N/A |
Rachel Bowles |
Oct 2022 |
N/A |
N/A |
Areas of Responsibility:
EoLM - Effectiveness of leadership and management
OfP - Outcomes for pupils
SaCP - Safeguarding and child protection
PDBaW - Personal development, behaviour and welfare
H&S/P - Health and Safety including Premises
RAP - Raising Achievement Panel
FP - Finance Panel
Appointed By:
LA - Appointed by H&F
Gov. - Appointed by Governors
Parents - Appointed by Parents
Staff - Appointed by Staff