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This document contains the school’s Living With Covid-19 risk assessment. This has been put in place following the Government’s ‘COVID-19 Response: Living with COVID-19’ active from 24/02/22. This can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-response-living-with-covid-19
The Government’s “Living With Covid” plan sets out a number of important changes as we all move into a new phase of managing Covid-19. It is clear the pandemic is not yet over and there remains considerable uncertainty about the path. Woodlane is an SEND school with a higher number of vulnerable pupils. This means that we need to be more mindful of the impact of control measures, even with case numbers falling and the threat of serious illness significantly reduced.
Changes to Control Measures
Testing and Self-isolation: We know that pupils attending school for face to face learning make the greatest progress. Therefore, the following measures are designed to ensure as little disruption as possible to pupils’ education moving forward.
- Pupils in SEND schools are no longer expected to test twice weekly using Lateral Flow tests, nor are they required to PCR test with symptoms. Testing is no longer available through the NHS website.
- The wearing of face coverings is no longer expected in communal areas.
- Woodlane staff are no longer expected to test weekly.
- If a member off staff is well enough to attend e.g. with light ‘cold like’ symptoms, they are permitted to attend.
- If a member of staff tests positive on privately purchased Covid-19 test or blood test, there will be an expectation that staff work from home for 5 full days. We will continue this practice with staff to protect pupils with increased vulnerability.
Illness and Covid-19: As we learn to live with Covid-19, school will begin to treat Covid-19 like most other illnesses.
- If a pupil is well enough to attend, e.g. with light ‘cold like’ symptoms, they are permitted to attend.
- Parents will only be asked to collect children from school if they are too unwell to attend school.
- The school and parents are advised to make reasonable judgements regarding when a child is well enough to return to school on a case by case basis.
- If a pupil tests positive on privately purchased Covid-19 test or blood test, they would be expected to stay at home for 3 full days.
General Safety: With the legal requirement for self-isolation removed, the school believes it is sensible to retain a number of general safety measures to balance out the wider changes to guidance. The Government guidance for SEND schools also places emphasis on continuing a number of beneficial practices. These include:
- School will ensure high levels of ventilation remain in place and will retain a one-way system to improve the circulation of pupils in the corridors.
- Parents’ Evening and Annual Reviews will return to face to face meetings in most cases, however, should the number of cases in school rise to a level of concern, virtual meetings may be required.
- Other times when adults meet together in a larger group (e.g. staff meetings), are now also permitted, however, should the number of cases in school rise to a level of concern, virtual meetings may be required.
Pre-Pandemic Practices: The school will return to some practices that have not been in place since before the pandemic began.
- School will continue to wear uniform at all times. Pupils should bring PE kit in their school bag and will be able to get changed before their lesson.
- School will continue to attend whole school assemblies, however, should the number of cases in school rise to a level of concern, virtual assemblies may be required.
Risk Assessment Control Measures:
Within the following risk assessment, the ‘4 Control Measures’ have been retained to ensure the school is able to operate safely. Contingency planning is also described within each of the categories which may become active at any time, and will be communicated to staff, parents and pupils through usual methods. The control measures are:
- Ensure good hygiene for everyone.
- Maintain appropriate cleaning regimes.
- Keep occupied spaces well ventilated.
- Follow public health advice on testing, self-isolation and managing confirmed cases of COVID-19.
Download our updated risk assessment below.
Please note: Our previous guidance has now been removed to avoid confusion.