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SpLD Specialist Teachers
At Woodlane we have several SpLD specialist teachers. Our Lead Practitioner/ intervention teacher holds an MA in SpLD and is an Associate Member of the British Dyslexia Association, allowing her to make assessments for dyslexia.
Carefully selected pupils will receive highly targeted literacy intervention. This means they will receive additional 1:1 or small group support from a Specialist Literacy teacher, away from their class. These sessions are personalised to the individual and are designed to support each pupil to gain more independence and confidence in their literacy, enabling them to apply this across the school day, in various subjects and classes.
Pupils attend three sessions a week for approximately ten weeks, although this will vary from pupil to pupil. Methods used are multi-sensory and incorporate elements of phonics, vocabulary enrichment, oral language, grammar, handwriting, keyboard skills and reading comprehension. The highly targeted objectives set and progress made are shared with pupils and parents.