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Features of Outstanding Teaching and Learning at Woodlane
The following features, which are used to judge the quality of teaching and learning at Woodlane, were created with the input of staff and pupils:
- Teaching is multi-sensory (visual, auditory and kinaesthetic), there is a high proportion of visual and kinaesthetic activities.
- Teaching is differentiated and personalised to the ability and special educational needs of the individual pupil.
- Teaching is well planned and structured, including a starter, main teaching, task and plenary section, the specific lesson structure is visually recorded on the board.
- Teaching is well resourced, using targeted scaffolded resources and materials which are Dyslexia Friendly, including differentiated/challenging homework.
- Teaching and support incorporates a variety of verbal and visual SALT strategies, e.g. PGSS, Communicate in Print, mind maps, levelled questioning, thinking time and an appropriate level of teacher talk etc.
- Staff provide consistent behaviour management, using reward and sanction.
- Teachers and TAs provide regular verbal and written feedback, as a result they: set SMART targets; recap prior learning; regularly and systematically check for understanding etc.
- Tasks and activities are stimulating, engaging and exciting, while being appropriately challenging.
- Staff are friendly, interactive and supportive and the classroom environment is welcoming. The wellbeing of pupils is considered at every stage.
- TAs are clearly directed by teachers to enable them to provide the appropriate support and challenge to pupils.
- All pupils make substantial progress from their individual starting points in the lesson, developing their skills, knowledge and understanding.
- Substantial and sustained progress is evident in pupil books/folders over time.
- All pupils display positive behaviour, attention and listening skills, appropriate to their level of development.
- All pupils are enthusiastic to learn and demonstrate resilience to failure, appropriate to their level of development.
- All pupils make a positive contribution to the lesson e.g. responding to questions, asking questions, completing the set tasks/activities etc. appropriate to their level of development.