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Behaviour for Learning
Woodlane High School seeks to create a happy, safe and stimulating environment where all pupils can experience success and realise their unique potential. The most common word used by visitors, to describe Woodlane is 'calm'.
As a school community we feel it is important that pupils are aware of their rights and responsibilities within the school environment. Rights are shared with pupils through the school values and reinforced by staff actions, reactions, interventions and interactions every day.
The Governors and staff believe that all members of the school community should:
- Show respect for one another.
- Avoid confrontation by approaching conflict and challenging behaviour constructively.
- Work together to enhance everyone’s self-esteem.
It is our aim to promote positive behaviour in our pupils, in order to:
- Establish a stable and safe social and learning environment.
- Develop the self-regulation, self-discipline and resilience of our pupils by encouraging them to be responsible for their own behaviour and understand that their actions have consequences.
- Show appropriate respect for the school environment and its resources.
- Involve pupils in discussing their behaviour.
Praise and Rewards:
At Woodlane we recognise positive behaviour through praise, affirmation and modelling. Positive behaviour is never taken for granted; it is actively taught and reinforced. A range of rewards are consistently applied throughout the school and staff, pupils and parents are clear on what behaviour is acceptable and the consequences that will follow. When pupils work hard and behave well, they will receive rewards, which include:
- Positive behaviour trips (whole class or school)
- Merits
- Megas
- Prefect responsibilities
- Peer Support Leader responsibilities
- Verbal praise
- Awards
- Choosing time etc.
While we favour positive intervention we also recognise the need for sanction in order to maintain a calm, learning focused environment. We therefore operate a two warning system, which is followed by an office referral, if a further incident occurs. Office referrals are there to support the pupil and strategies implemented at this time can range from, discussion, use of sensory strategies, counselling, time out etc.
We also offer a self-referral system, where pupils are able to request a referral to the office. This is viewed as a positive action, as the individual has identified, for themselves, a need for support. This method helps enable pupils to self-regulate and positively move towards managing their own behaviour.
To view our positive behaviour policy, please click here.