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Home-School Agreement
The school will:
- Provide a safe, well ordered, caring environment in which learning can take place
- Ensure school is a place where your child is valued as an individual
- Provide a curriculum that encourages, stimulates and challenges your child
- Communicate openly regarding progress and development
- Organise opportunities to take part in the life of the school, where your views are sought and valued
Parents/carers will:
- Ensure your child attends school
- Support the school’s homework policy
- Participate in procedures aimed at supporting your child’s educational development, e.g. Attending Annual Reviews and Parents’ Evening
- Acknowledge daily feedback by signing home-school reports and/or pupil planners
- Support the school in promoting positive behaviour, including online activity at home
Pupils will:
- Attend school
- Follow the learners’ code
- Complete homework to the best of their ability
- Get positively involved in school life
- Follow the school’s e-safety code at all times