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Transition to Woodlane
At Woodlane we understand that changing schools can be a challenging time in a child’s life and appreciate that for a child with special educational needs it can be even harder. We pride ourselves in providing a thorough transition package and will work with parents to ensure all pupils are ready for their transfer. Please see the summary below which describes our transition practices.
If you are looking for more information regarding the school, please download our Prospectus below (or click here).
The video below has been created to introduce pupils and parents to Woodlane High School.
Primary to Secondary Transition Summary
Our usual practices are as follows:
Year Group Structure
- Transition Leader responsible for Primary to Secondary transfer.
- Roughly half of Year 7 timetable taught by transition teacher, half taught by subject teachers.
- 2 x Year 7 Tutors.
- Teaching assistant in each class.
- 2 x classes set by ability level.
Organisation of Space
- Transition rooms situated in far end of school, slightly separate.
- Whole school integration at break times, with quiet areas available.
- KS3/KS4 lunch times.
- High staff:pupil ratio.
- Lockers available to all Year 7 pupils.
Breakfast Club/Lunch
- Whole school.
- Year 7 table at lunch times, Transition Leader/Headteacher to eat with pupils.
- Buddy system.
Information Exchange
- Welcome letter sent to parents/carers, include transition plan (end of Spring Term).
- Welcome letter sent to new pupil (end of Spring Term).
- Primary information request, transition plans sent to primary schools (Summer Term).
- Invite to Open Evening sent to parents/carers (Summer Term).
- Pupils invited to spend an afternoon at Woodlane during the Summer Term.
- Pupils invited to Year 6 transition lesson (Summer Term).
- Some pupils to be visited at their primary school by the Transition Leader and EHCP Annual Reviews attended where required.
- Pupil visits to various Primary schools (Spring/Summer Term).
Open Evening (end of Summer Term)
- Academic information provided.
- Details on behaviour policy.
- Meet Head/Deputy/Transition Teachers/Year 7 Teaching Assistants.
- Receive induction pack (including timetable, transition booklet etc.)
- Question and answer session.
- Informal meetings over refreshments.
- Current pupils to meet and greet (modelling correct uniform).
- Chance to purchase school uniform.
Induction Day (first day of Autumn Term).
- Year 7 pupils only.
- Introduction assembly.
- Tutor available.
- Dairies provided and guidance on use.
- Teaching assistant to guide pupils to lessons and encourage use of timetable.
- Get to know you activities/subject lessons.
Transition Evening (start of Autumn Term, once pupils have started)
- Pupils use PowerPoint to present their experiences to date, including a selection of their work.
- Chance for parents to informally meet with transition teachers and teaching assistants.
+ Any pupil specific arrangements (if required)
Mid-Year Transition Summary:
- Introductory phone call to parents.
- Transition Leader to visit pupil at current school and/or home visit (if required).
- Teaching assistant to visit pupil at current school (if required).
- Initial planning meeting – form individual transition plan.
- Selected half and full days (individual plan to detail).
- Mid-year transition pack.