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British Values
At Woodlane High School we recognise the multicultural, multi-faith nature of London and the United Kingdom. We understand the crucial role that schools play in promoting these values.
The Government set out its definition of British values in the Prevent Strategy.
As a school and a community we embrace the Government’s definition of British Values including:
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect
- Respect for those with different faiths and beliefs
How does Woodlane promote these values? For example:
- Values are embedded within the school’s policies and Learners’ Code.
- Rights and values are taught directly through Personal, Social, Citizenship and Healthy Education (PSCHE) and on a cross-curricular basis.
- Assemblies have a theme of the week (see below) which promote a range of British values.
- We have an active school council which promotes democracy and includes all pupils in decisions made about their school.
- We celebrate the culture and background of staff and pupils. We welcome staff from other countries, and visitors from other faiths to share their language and culture with pupils in formalised and informal settings.
- Pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.
Theme of the Week
Each week we have a theme of the week. This is introduced in assembly on Monday and explored further in assembly on Wednesday. Staff are encouraged to make reference to the theme throughout the week using stories, images, events and music.
Some of these themes are linked to annual events and include, for example:
- Black History Month
- Charities (Children in Need/Sport Relief) etc.
Other themes are more general and include, for example:
- The Natural World
- My Local Community
- Human Rights
- Equality
- Tolerance etc.