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Learners' Code

I want my school to be a safe and happy place where I can succeed in learning. 

These simple rules help me succeed:

  • I will ensure that my behaviour demonstrates my understanding of the school's values. 

In lessons:

  • I work hard and do my best
  • I follow adult instructions
  • I help others when I can
  • I wait my turn quietly and put my hand up when I want to speak
  • I listen carefully when someone else is talking
  • I am kind, gentle and honest

Around school:

  • I walk in the corridors
  • I don’t fight or tease others
  • I follow school routines at break and lunch
  • I look after property
  • I put litter in the bins

Outside school:

  • I show consideration towards others and behave responsibly and safely.

  • I follow the school's e-safety code at all times.