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The School's Homework Policy

The purpose of homework is:

  • To consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding, extend school learning, encourage pupils to devote time to particular demands.
  • To encourage pupils to develop confidence and self-discipline.
  • To provide opportunities for practising life skills.
  • To encourage pupils to manage their own time and develop their independence.
  • To prepare pupils for the demands of GCSEs, BTECs, NCFE and Entry Level Qualifications.
  • To foster a partnership between home and school and encourage parents to take an active role in their child’s learning.
  • To enable parents to be involved and informed about the type of work being undertaken in class.

Homework can be used for:

  • Reinforcing of class work.
  • Researching topics and investigations.
  • Preparation for class work.
  • Reviewing, redrafting or summarising a piece of work.
  • Learning key vocabulary.
  • Revising for tests.
  • Supporting KS4 coursework.
  • Extension tasks and projects.

All homework should:

  • Be fully explained by staff and clear to pupils.
  • Be given appropriate lesson time to ensure understanding, e.g. not be set in the last few minutes of the lesson.
  • Be recorded in pupil planners, with a deadline and any instructions that may be relevant.
  • Be set with an appropriate timeframe for completion, e.g. 1 week.
  • Be titled clearly, using Subject and Topic information.
  • Be set in a predictable manner to enable pupils to plan their homework pattern.
  • Be formatted in a familiar/standardised manner throughout, including use of the school’s colour schemes.
  • Be written using the school’s standardised terminology, e.g. All, Most and Some, with language that is dyslexia friendly and accessible to all.
  • Cover a range of activities and skills.
  • Be manageable for pupils at all levels. Where an individual pupil requires more personalised/differentiated homework, this should be provided individually.
  • Be accessible, (and easily understood) for the benefit of all staff who support through Homework Club.

Frequency and duration of homework:

  • All core and foundation subjects should set at least one piece of homework a week.
  • There is some flexibility for larger projects that are designed to be completed over a number of weeks.
  • In general, tasks should take approximately 15 minutes for a pupil to complete, rising to 30+ minutes for GCSE tasks in KS4.
  • KS3 pupils are expected to read at home at least 3 times a week.
  • KS4 pupils are expected to review and revise content on recommended websites for exams and qualifications regularly as part of their homework schedule.
  • KS3 and KS4 pupils will have the opportunity to participate in home-school partnership activities, such as Mathletics and Spellodrome.