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Woodlane Values
Welcome to Woodlane
We opened, on our present site, by the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham in February 2000 and provide specialist support for pupils with a range of barriers to learning.
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We are delighted to share our most recent pupil questionnaire results.
91 pupils (84.3% of the school roll) responded to the recent pupil questionnaire. We are delighted with the responses, which indicate that pupils are very happy at Woodlane. The very few disagree statements will be explored further and support offered where required.
What have pupils said about Woodlane?
What do you like most about the school?
“What I like most about this school is there is zero tolerance for violence.”
“That the TAs and teachers make the school feel like home.”
“What I like most about the school is that teachers and TAs treat me equally.”
“GCSEs being available.”
“I like theme days and my hard work.”
What would you like to change in the school?
“I think the school is perfect, so not much needed to change.”
“The changing rooms.”
“A whole borough party.”
Summary of Views:
Please download and read the full survey below, including any actions required.
A summary of staff answers and actions:
Tender UK have been working with one of our Year 9 classes in the Spring Term to equip them with the skills they need to build healthy relationships.
We are delighted to share the most recent pupil questionnaire results.
We are delighted to share the most recent parent satisfaction questionnaire.
Every year we survey our staff to gain their views on Woodlane High School and our practices. The senior managers and governors are pleased with this year’s results, however, we are always aiming for 100% in every area! Here is a summary of our 2023 staff responses:
A Culture of Excellence
"Pupils get an education that is second to none." "Leaders, including those responsible for governance, are relentless in their drive for continuous improvement. This culture of excellence is shared by all." Ofsted 2024
Outstanding Teaching and Learning
"Teachers are experts in their subjects and very skilled at implementing the curriculum for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)." "The school robustly tracks pupils’ progress from their starting points across all areas, including how they demonstrate the school’s values." Ofsted 2024
Our Curriculum Offer
"The curriculum is broad, rich and highly personalised, often exceeding the ambitions of what is expected nationally." "Pupils achieve well because the curriculum has been meticulously designed. Knowledge builds on pupils’ starting points so that their learning deepens from Year 7 to Year 11." Ofsted 2024
Outstanding Pupil Behaviour
"Behaviour in classrooms and around the school is exceptional." "Pupils benefit from a very well-structured environment that supports their behaviour." Ofsted 2024
Our Transition Arrangments
"Pupils settle quickly when they join the school. They participate fully in activities including visits, parents’ evenings and taster lessons before they arrive. Transition classes in Year 7 help them to learn the rules and routines of the school so they are successful. There is a razor-sharp focus on what is best for each pupil." Ofsted 2024